


06.07.07 | Comment?

Jenny, Jenny who can I turn to
You give me something I can hold on to
I know you’ll think I’m like the others before
Who saw your name and number on the wall
Jenny I’ve got your number
I need to make you mine
Jenny don’t change your number
8 6 7-5 3 0 9 (8 6 7-5 3 0 9)
8 6 7-5 3 0 9 (8 6 7-5 3 0 9)

Listen to a 30 second snippet

If you know the tune, then you’ll probably hate me for the rest of the day because it’s nearly impossible to get out of your head (kind of like The Wigglesquack, quack, quack, cockadoodle-do – but I digress.) Why the Tommy Tutone flashback? It seems two businesses have been fighting over the number made famous by Tutone 25 years ago. Interestingly, they’re both plumbing firms.

Clockwork Home Services of Florida has been using a toll free version nationwide while Gem Plumbing & Heating of Rhode Island uses the number in New England. A judge ruled recently in the case that Gem has use of the number in New England. Tutone prefers neither company use the number, but he’s taking no action as yet.

There is no word on which firm employs Jenny and when VH1 plans to do a “Where are they now?” segment on her…

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