

Have you dug Wall Drug?

09.12.06 | Comment?

Original December, 1931 Wall Drug Store

It’s more than merely a drug store, trust me on that. It’s a whole city block (of a town with two blocks) that has everything a tourist could want or need. Don’t believe me, see for yourself. 605 miles today – mostly South Dakota. The Badlands are an outside cathedral. The carcass count decreased steadily throughout the day – at one point on WY220 and I25 it was about 4 per mile. By the time I called it quits, it was about 1 every 10 miles. Now that’s a job I wouldn’t want, carcass disposal! They’re busy in Wyoming!

Badlands photo (like most places, photos just don’t do justice)

Meatspace coordinates: N44.276 W106.497
Ohio State’s 2006 record: 2-0 Next up: Cincinnati 9/16
Tune: Lover’s Will by Bonnie Raitt

Technorati Tags: | Roadtrip | South Dakota | Mike Harding Blog

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