This morning there are two important stories about our Constitutional Rights. The first comes from the Supreme Court where arguments are being heard about the 2nd Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms. The second comes from San Francisco regarding the transit of the Olympic Torch and the establishment of “free speech zones.” Let’s start with […]
This is what you call “making the news”. Apparently, two local news stations sent mobile crews to cover illegal drag racing. Obviously, the news vans would have to participate in the activity! Guess they forgot that we’re now in an age of citizen news and that the footage would appear on YouTube before their story […]
Click image to EnlargeImage Credit: NY Times If you played Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) or were exposed to people who played D&D, read the chart above from the NY Times, it will explain a lot. It certainly hit home for me. Enjoy! (Make sure to click the image to enlarge it, the snap above is […]
I could rail about the primary results last night (Ohio, a good place to be from, has shown yet again its inherent inability to select between better and worse – but I digress.) I could talk about the scary notion that Bush is trying to find some positive legacy by driving for a peace plan […]
Lately, I seem to be out of words myself. But the present attack strategy that the Clinton campaign is employing to blunt the ongoing Obama overthrow got me thinking about words. The average American speaks about 15,000 words per day. An average #2 pencil will produce around 45,000 words. The Oxford-English unabridged dictionary is filled […]