Let’s start this entry by stating clearly and bluntly that I am biased. I view all faith-based belief systems as dangerous delusional control methods often used to the detriment of mankind. People are free to believe whatever they want, but faith-based belief is best kept to non-essential areas and generally, I believe we would all […]
Recently I had a discussion with a colleague about Barack Obama and the question arose: where did he come from? This colleague, a German national, indicated that Obama appeared out of nowhere from the international perspective. I replied that I believed he was launched as a result of the speech he delivered at the Democratic […]
It’s not everyday you get to see the Easter Bunny have a breakdown and get consoled by the Tooth Fairy and Santa…Who was that at the end of the video? Oh yeah, Pinocchio… Here, of course, we have the Easter Bunny gone bad…very bad. This bunny kicks ass and takes names.
Over at /dev/null/kevin there is a brilliant post on the seven most annoying SciFi kids…I won’t spoil the surprise, but all the kids you love to hate are represented, with a rationale for the position, and short clips of their “work.” Well worth a visit and a chuckle if you’re a fan of the genre. […]