It’s too soon to tell, but I believe based on early evidence we’ve got a winner in “that one.” Getting out, being visible, and setting the tone are all essential. Like FDR who embraced the technology of radio for “fireside chats” and Kennedy who embraced the technology of television to bring more of the non-verbal […]
The guy who did this was too much of a wussy to speak on camera. Hanging people in effigy isn’t cool and should be treated with the seriousness of a domestic terror case. Where’s Homeland Security when you need them? Unsurprisingly, this comes from the great state of Ohio…which reinforces my opinion that it’s a […]
During the debate this week, John McCain used Joe the Plumber as an example of how Obama’s tax policy would hurt the little guy. Joe, a hardworking, god-fearing man who has worked as a plumber in Ohio 10-12 hours a day. Joe is poised to buy his employer’s business after many years of hard work. […]
Well, the second debate happened last night and we saw McCain and all his maverick moves and Obama with his change express. Yes, we know Obama is a tax and spend liberal (ignoring his tax program is revenue neutral and provides relief to 95% of Americans) and that McCain is the 3rd coming of George […]
The first rule of politics is don’t bring things up that you can be called upon yourself. Keith Olbermann brings this lesson home as only he can. It’s an 11 minute video and well worth the time to view.