
Media, Politics

Debate Fatigue

10.08.08 | 2 Comments

Well, the second debate happened last night and we saw McCain and all his maverick moves and Obama with his change express. Yes, we know Obama is a tax and spend liberal (ignoring his tax program is revenue neutral and provides relief to 95% of Americans) and that McCain is the 3rd coming of George Bush (ignoring he’s got his very own set of distinct flaws from W.)

What did we learn? Not much. People who were for McCain will continue to be for McCain. People for Obama will continue to be for Obama. McCain reinforced his image as a cranky old man. Obama reinforced his image as a clear communicator. And for undecided voters (hello – how could you be undecided if you haven’t been cut off from modern communications for an extended period of time) the choice should be clear between these two candidates. One is the greater evil. Choose already.

Full disclosure, we made it through about 50% of the debate last night and turned it off. It was simply too boring, no new information and the same tired lies and half-truths were being traded back and forth. I’ll watch the end tonight and will watch next week, but that’s it, I’m officially sick of this race for the Whitehouse. It’s been over since the Palin pick. Obama will win handily in the popular votes and very likely will have a landslide in the electoral college.

