

Ghagra Choli

07.30.08 | 1 Comment

Ghagra Choli
Garden Variety Ghagra Choli

Before I departed on this trip my daughter informed me that she wanted something pretty and special from India. The thought that popped into my mind is that a sari might be just the thing. While discussing this with colleagues in the office, an alternate suggestion was floated that a Ghagra Choli might be just the thing since saris require all sorts of accessories and are difficult to configure on small girls. This colleague called his wife who suggested he call his sister-in-law who came up with the suggestion – above and beyond the call of duty!

With suggestion in hand I ventured out to MG Road to one of the local merchants to acquire the item and what an adventure that was. Even for Bangalore, the traffic was pretty bad. However, victory was had in the end and my daughter will have a beautiful Ghagra Choli to wear. If she gets half as much enjoyment out of this as she did her Chinese pajamas, it will be a success.

One of the great things about India is the kindness of people – I’ve yet to run into a person who wasn’t kind in all sorts of situations where kindness might not be the first instinct. This has been a very effective trip on the work front, but it has also been very satisfying personally.

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