Last week I had the chance to go to the French Riviera, ooh-la-la. What a beautiful area! The trip to get there notwithstanding, I enjoyed the short time in Cannes, France and took a few snapshots of the waterfront, the Palais (where the film festival is held,) a double decker merry-go-round, and of an excellent restaurant in Antibes. If you’re traveling there, you’re lucky! In some respects, I’d love to see it in season, but in others (primarily traffic related) I think that could be a nightmare. In any case, some photos are below.
Cannes Waterfront taken from quay west of the Palais

Merry-Go-Round, Double decker variety on the Cannes waterfront

The Palais advertising VMWorld

You too can be Han Solo, just step and snap a photo – these were all over the Palais area

The excellent restaurant Les Vieux Murs in the old city portion of Antibes
