This is going to be a pretty short entry simply to answer the question, “what are you going to do now?”
The short answer is, I’ve purposely decided not to decide right now.
Background: I’ve been working at least 40 hours (and more routinely, 80+ hours) a week for the past 24 years, the longest break I’ve had in that time is a two week vacation taken for my honeymoon in 1995. The time is right to take stock, think about what I really want to accomplish and contribute, and then chart a course. As a consequence, I’m targeting October to make firm plans about Mike.Nxt by answering a few key questions.
The questions are as follows:
- Do I take another job or start a company?
- If I take another job, is it merely a “job” (no emotional attachment, allows for personal balance) or is it a “cool job?” (emotional attachment expected, balance is tough)
- If no job, do I start a “lifestyle company” (small, local, and intended to stay that way) or indulge my technopreneurial streak to start a more traditional tech startup?
As you might imagine, there are many details beyond those choices, but until I’m settled on those, the details are largely irrelevant. I’ve got about 15 ideas/concepts in all categories above. If you have a concept, idea, or opportunity you want to discuss, please feel free to do so.
That’s it, I’ll get back to more interesting posts in the usual vein of innovation, invention, technology, silliness, and probably more OSU football.
Technorati Tags: Career | Business | Decision
[…] Sunday will mark the start of a 2 week roadtrip. There is no real agenda, although there are a few places and people I want to see. The point though is to do some meandering rather than keep some tight schedule. It’s great to have the opportunity to do something like this and I’m grateful that my family is tolerant enough to allow such an adventure. The key to this activity is to gain some perspective through movement and long periods of relative isolation. Driving long distances does this for me – enough brainpower is directed at the road to keep some degree of focus, there is some destination nebulously in the future, and I’m physically constrained and as isolated from the world, while still able to observe it. This provides a the right conditions for deep concentrated thought to occur and that’s critical right now as I consider what to engage in next. Sunday, I’ll start north. Periodic blog updates will be posted as internet access is available. Meatspace coordinates: N37.32.4 W122.30.9 Ohio State’s 2006 record: 1-0 Next up: Texas 9/9 5pm PST, OSU 2.5 point underdog Tune: Still I long for your kiss by Lucinda Williams […]
[…] It was a great trip. I accomplished what I needed to accomplish, which was to clear my mind and get to a place I could make decisions. That I’ve done. In an earlier entry, I indicated there were a few simple decisions I needed to make. The net of this trip is, I want to work for myself (large equity stake in whatever that is) and instead of the simple lifestyle vs. technopreneur standard startup, I want to find a way to combine the two leading to an outcome that helps make the world a better place. John Perry Barlow made a statement that really resonated with me, that I intend to adopt it as my own, he states his mission is “to be a good ancestor.” That’s a very good place to start. Stay tuned for more information as the mission takes on more specific form going forward. Meatspace coordinates: N37.324 W122.309 Ohio State’s 2006 record: 4-0 Next up: @Iowa 9/30 Tune: I left my heart in San Francisco by Tony Bennett […]