Information about Clean, Renewable Energy.

The Vulcan Vision

Vulcan Geothermal company has put forth its vision for a “green gigawatt” by tapping into the rich geothermal resource of the Basin and Range province largely located in north and central Nevada. What makes this different than any other approach? They’ve done a great job of characterizing resources across the range with most likely outputs, not only of their portfolio of geothermal prospects, but across the region. They’ve also taken the time to include other renewable sources like wind and solar thermal when considering transmission upgrades.

We applaud the bold vision that Vulcan has articulated at the G3 Plan site and look forward to seeing this vision moved toward reality as the multitude of developers with prospects in this general area work to bring their respective plans to fruition. Note to the Vulcan staff, it would be a good idea to have your website work with industry standard browsers like Firefox, this Internet Explorer only stuff is bush league, your vision deserves an open access professional touch. It might be worth a small investment to make that so…

Visual representation of resources included in Vulcan's vision of the

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