Information about Clean, Renewable Energy.

MeV Makeover

If you’re a frequent visitor to our site, you may notice that we’ve had a minor makeover this weekend. The rationale behind this is to enrich the experience by making the content easier to read and access as well as to provide MeV some additional value by monetizing this channel. That doesn’t mean we’re shifting our business model from renewable energy project developer to web publisher – it does mean we are attempting to maximize the value of our assets for our shareholders with another means of generating revenue.

We hope that you’ll continue to visit our humble web home and we will strive to continue to provide frequent, relevant, high-quality content that you want to read. We appreciate participation, so please feel free to comment. We do moderate all comments, but to keep the spam out, not as an editorial filter to dissenting or challenging points of view.

Thank you for visiting and we hope you will enjoy your stay.

Should you wish to get information about advertising exposure on this site, here’s the information you’re looking for.

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