Information about Clean, Renewable Energy.

Geothermal financing workshop

I had a fantastic day yesterday soaking up knowledge at the Geothermal Energy Association workshop on financing geothermal projects. This was a business workshop with the morning focused on politics, regulation, and government agencies (note to politicos – less interference would be more here…) and the afternoon dedicated to the attributes required for fundable geothermal projects. The speakers were mostly engaging, the content was rich, and the room was awkwardly laid out, but had windows.

One thing I hadn’t realized (naively) was just how politicized the issue of renewable energy is. That became quite clear at the workshop and the elections last week will help as soon-to-be-Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is a geothermal fan (Nevada is rich in geothermal resources.) Hopefully, Congress and the Administration will choose to collaborate on renewable issues extending the production tax credit and making leases of BLM land and NEPA environmental assessments more accessible and faster. I’ll believe that when I see it…

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