Information about Clean, Renewable Energy.

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Re:Volt – An energy challenge

Re:Volt Challenge

This is the latest in a series of contests aimed at sustainability by the folks at UrbanRevision. Submit your entry by May 1st.

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8 more leases for Raser

In what is becoming a routine occurrence, Raser Technologies announced that it has secured another 9,889 acres of geothermal leases in Central Utah. That brings the total leased acres up to 28,091. Raser has entered into an agreement with UTC Power for 135 PureCycle binary power units. The next thing to see in the development cycle is a power purchase agreement. While immediate details of these properties are not available, transmission access will be a big hurdle to clear as well.

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Visual approach to conservation

Black pollution cloud

This photo was taken in China as a way of promoting conservation. The sponsoring entity,, has all sorts of conservation messages aimed at the Chinese population. On the balloon it says “Drive one day less and look at how much carbon monoxide you’ll keep out of the air we breathe.”

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Renewable Energy Videos, another medium for the message

What a great idea to put a viewing platform on a turbine shaft, particularly where there may be some public resistance to accepting turbines. This video is a short and informative clip about a planned 7 turbine farm by Ecotricity in Swaffham, Norfolk in England.

This video features the Centennial Wind Farm in Saskatchawan, Canada which consists of 83, 1.8MW turbines. It’s a nice look at the installation.

This video shows the inside of a 1.5MW, 75 meter tower in a small wind farm near Hagerman, Idaho. It is clearly a personal video, but shows the inside of the tower from the ground level pretty well.

This is a short just the facts video about the Weatherford wind farm operated by Florida Power and Light in Oklahoma.

Recently we featured an entry on Aerotecture, the following video shows a couple of their vertical units being tested.

This video shows the assembly of a Vestas v82 turbine on the St. Olaf campus in Northfield, Minnesota. If you’ve never seen assembly, this is not to be missed.

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Zero Carbon House

Zero Carbon House Diagram

The Zero Carbon House is a low energy demonstration project to show how renewable energy can create a unique living experience on a remote island in a severe climate. A holistic approach has been taken to eliminating household carbon emissions that would normally result from heating and powering the home, running the family car and growing and transporting food.

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Interesting systematic thinking from the Scots on a replicable and sustainable design.

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