

Waterboarding Wimps

11.09.07 | Comment?

The latest rage seems to be represented by Bush defending Mukasey “not knowing what waterboarding is and if it is being used” and the Guiliani quote “if you’re taking a simplistic position on it, you’re probably irresponsible.” Color me wildly irresponsible, this is a simple issue. Waterboarding constitutes torture. This is easy to test: Anyone who contends that waterboarding (simulated drowning) does not constitute torture should be subjected to the practice. After such an experience, I submit that the person in question would then a) clearly understand the practice and b) have absolutely no doubt that it is torture.

The unfortunate aspect of this situation is that these wimps who condone such behavior won’t submit to the practice. Wouldn’t you just love to see some politician who believes this is an acceptable practice held down for simulated drowning? We could do our own interrogation: “Do you think this is torture yet? No answer? Do it again. Really, do you think this is torture yet? Still not ready to talk? Do it again.” I think with a few hours of repetition, the point would become clear.

Here’s a video demonstration of the practice, just in case you haven’t had a chance to see “enhanced interrogation” in action. The people faced with this enhanced interrogation approach do so over hours and days, not one little 20 second duration demonstration. There is no doubt, this constitutes torture. We should denounce this practice loudly and clearly, it is unacceptable in any circumstance.

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